Studies Abroad

ImageThursday the 16th is Gallery Night. We are replacing the conceptual and abstract works with figurative works and these will be available for two weeks when we will be again changing the exhibit to display the latest works from Luciano Bellet arriving this week.

The links below go along with our focus and goal of fostering art abroad and that means both ways, from the US to Italy and from Europe to the United States. In fact, we are organizing for next summer a few art studies here in Providence with visiting artists from Italy so stay tuned. and this is another link to art studies in Florence.

One of the reasons we believe studies abroad are crucial to artistic development is for the same reason we chose Italian art, the fact that historically, Italy has contributed so much to the European art world and consequently to the world. Living abroad for just a few months is not enough time for one to absorb and immerse oneself into the minutiae of all the art contained not just in museums but also on the streets of all of Europe. Every building and corner and door is a work of art and finding a way to give the brain an overload of everything that inspired our ancestors is crucial to becoming the artist that lies within. “One must un-learn in order to make room for the poetry, that works of art were just a sum of errors.” Riccardo Schweizer

Lest we not forget, that an education is one thing but, an education obtained via museums, travels and living in Europe and abroad will stimulate the artist to un-learn, leaving room for the expression within.

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